About Us
TEP Consultants
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One of the pioneering civil and structural firms in Singapore with more than 50 years of excellent track record. TEP Consultants was involved in many projects that are indispensable for the successful industrial development, sustainability and economic growth of the country.
Years of Experience
With more than 50 years of experience in the provision of professional civil and structural consulting engineering services including project management as principal consultant, TEP Consultants Pte Ltd has accumulated vast and varied track records on prestigious Commercial, Hotels, Institutional, Entertainment, Residential, Industrial, Airport Facilities and Infrastructures, Chemical Plants, Flatted Factories and Warehousing Projects, as well as Civil Engineering Works such as Shipyards including Dry-docks, Slipways, Wharves, Jetties, Mooring Dolphins, Beacons and infra-structural services works namely MRT underground tunnelling works, drainage, sewerage, roadworks, earthworks and Newater projects, amounting to several billion dollars.
Countries in which our professional engineering and project management consultancy services have been rendered include Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Brunei, Cambodia, Taiwan, China and Maldives.

TEP Consultants Pte Ltd is certified under ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015 for Civil & Structural Engineering Services and Project Management Services. The firm is also registered in the Civil & Structural Consultancy Service Panel (CS04) with the Building and Construction Authority of Singapore.
Our firm has vast experience in planning, design, management, contract administration, co-ordination and supervision of both private and public sector projects. With our resources and expertise in all the required disciplines of civil & structural engineering, project & cost management professional service, the firm is able to provide comprehensive and quality design, project & cost management service in establishing an integrated planning and control system and implementing the plans and goals of the client, particularly in completing the project within the stipulated time, budget and quality requirements as well as fulfilling the client’s stringent requirement and expectation.
Our project team members are also experienced and conversant with the requirements of all relevant ministries’ and government departments’ procedures, rules, regulations and requirements.
The firm has time and again proven to be able to provide efficient, effective, quality, personalized, prompt and professional services to our clients at all times.
Our Services:
- Surveys and Feasibility Studies
- Investigation and Evaluation
- Planning and Design
- Application, Submission and Obtaining of Approval from various Government Authorities
- Preparing Technical Reports including Value Engineering, and Tender/Contract Documents
- ECM - Earth Control Measures Design
- ERSS - Earth Retaining Stabilising Structures Design
- Supervision, Coordination and Administration of Projects
- Total Project Management
- Structural Appraisal of Existing Building
- Consultation
- Basic Planning
- Cost Estimates
- PSI - Periodic Structural Inspection
- PFI - Periodic Facade Inspection
Board Of Directors

Mona Matthews

Rosalina D. William

Nashid Martines

More About Our Founder
Er Tan Ee Ping graduated as a Civil Engineer with a Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) Degree from the University of Malaya in 1964 and worked in the Economic Development Board and Jurong Town Corporation from 1964 to 1969.
During this period, he played a vital role in the planning, design and project management of essential infrastructural projects for the development of Jurong Industrial Estate, which was indispensible for the successful industrial development, sustainability and economic growth of Singapore. This included Jurong Port ‘s general & bulk cargoes deep water wharves, fishery port and barter trade, coastal lighter wharves , warehouses & other facilities; Metal Industries Development Centre, Jurong Marine Base; EDB Building and other industrial buildings.
In 1970, Er Tan started his own consulting engineering firm under the name of Tan Ee Ping & Partners (presently known as TEP Consultants Pte Ltd). Over the past 50 years, Er Tan had rendered professional consulting engineering and project management service for the development of commercial & residential buildings and civil engineering projects amounting to several billion dollars, in countries such as Cambodia, Taiwan, Peoples’ Republic Of China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Maldives, Brunei and Singapore. He contributed enormously in the Jurong Industrial Estate Development especially in the shipbuilding industry. He was commissioned and successfully completed the planning, designed, project management of a mega shipyard (Hitachi Robin Dockyard) including a 500,000 DWT and a 250,000 DWT dry docks, slipways, wharf structures, hull & engine workshop, and other related facilities.
In 1980s, Er Tan contributed to the development of Changi Airport International, in providing principal consulting service, planning, design and project management for the SIA offices/SATS Engine Workshops, CAFHI storage tank structures, Flyover Bridge across the East Coast Parkway and the innovative novel design and prefabrication, installation and delivery of two mobile Taildocks for repairing, servicing and maintenance of aeroplanes for Singapore Airlines and Malaysian Airlines System. In 1985, he was commissioned to provide Design/Build services for proposed warehouses, cold rooms, water treatment plant and marine bunkering system to upgrade the Hulule Airport for the Civil Aviation of Maldives. Er Tan was a director (deputy chairman) of Changi Airport Planners Engineers (CAPE) which provides local and international consulting services on the planning, design and development of airport, including related infrastructural facilities.
In 1984, he was admitted as Fellow of Institution of Structural Engineers, England, Fellow of Institution of Civil Engineers, England (1984), Fellow of the Institution of Engineers, Singapore (1976), Fellow of Singapore Institute of Arbitrators (1984), and Corporate Member of the Chartered Institution of Arbitration, England (1996). Honorary Fellow of the Institution of Engineers, Singapore, Honorary Fellow of Asean Federation of Engineering Organization, and Fellow of Academy of Engineering, Singapore.
In 1990, a patent was granted to Er Tan for his invention of a space “frame system” by the Comptroller-General of Patent, Design and Trade Work, London. He was also admitted as a Senior Consulting Engineer by the Peoples’ Republic of China’s Association for Science & Technology.
He was a panel member of CIDB’s Buildnet Committee (1996) which formulated & developed and implemented the Construction & Real Estate Network (CORENET) to reengineer the building development processes to achieve maximum productivity, quality and timeliness leading to the present concurrent inter-operability of projects design/drawings amongst members of the project team, including integrated project management & the present BIM system.
From early 1970 Er. Tan had served in numerous government/statutory Boards, namely Singapore Professional Engineers Board, Board of Architects, National Productivity Board, Construction Industry Development Board and Strata Title Board, to promote excellence in professional engineering practice, innovation, buildability, productivity, efficiency, quality, timeliness and public safety in the building construction industry and to alleviate our country’s inherent dependency on foreign workers.
In 1992, Er Tan was appointed by the Minister of Labour & Manpower as a Commissioner, Inquiry on the Explosion at Ginza Plaza.
As a CIDB Board Member, Er Tan contributed immensely to the formulation, recommendation and implementation of the Design/Building System and the present Quality – Fee System in assessing & awarding Public Sector infrastructure & building contracts.
Er Tan was Chairman, BCA-NTU Research Collaboration on Flat-Plate Building Structures (“a pioneering research endeavour in the area of concrete flat-plates”), Chairman, CIDB Steering Committee for precast concrete & prefabricated reinforcement for buildings and Chairman, CIDB Buildable Design Appraisal System. He was one of the Domain Experts in the development of reinforced concrete NPQS (National Productivity Quality Specification).
Er Tan was instrumental in facilitating the collaboration between Singapore Mediation Centre (SMC), and all the various institutions and associations of the construction industry to provide alternative consensual dispute resolutions for the construction industry.
Er Tan was also a panel member of BCA’s Task Force in drafting and legislating the Security of Payment Act (SOP) 2004, to resolve cash flow problems in the construction industry. He has been appointed as a Principal Mediator and Principal Adjudicator by the Honourable Justice Belinda Ang, Singapore Mediation Centre, Ministry of Law. In 2003, he was appointed as a member of the Regional Panel of Arbitrators, by the Honourable Justice Warren Khoo, Chairman of SIAC.
Er Tan was appointed as an Adjunct Professor in the Civil Engineering & Building Department, NTU (1996 to 2006). He served as a Panel Member, Advisory Committee, Civil & Building Development in NTU, NUS , Singapore Polytechnic and Ngnee Ann Polytechnic.
Er Tan’s professional structural design for the Plaza By The Park and 40 storeys DBS Tower II were awarded the CIDB Best Buildable Awards in 1991 & 1994 respectively. His structural design for the 38-storey One Raffles Place Tower II was awarded the Structural Steel Excellence Award in 2012 for the “The Innovative, Efficient and Productive Use of Steel Structures in the Built Environment” by the Singapore Structural Steel Society.
In 1996, the Institution of Engineers, Singapore awarded Er. Tan the Long Service Gold Award, for his services rendered to the institution and his contribution to the engineering profession. In 1997, he received his award from Minister of Trade for his “distinguished and valued services rendered as a member of the National Productivity Board”.
In 1997, Er. Tan received the National Day Award, Public Service Medal (PBM) from the President of the Republic of Singapore for his contribution to the Building Industry. In 2004, Deputy Prime Minister, Mr S Jayakumar presented a certificate of appreciation to Er Tan for his valuable services rendered to Singapore Strata Titles Board. In 2010, he received his Long Service Gold Award in Education from the Ministry of Education for his services rendered to schools, polytechnics and universities.
In 2011, the Honorable Justice Belinda Ang Saw Ean presented Er Tan with a certificate of appreciation for his time and guidance as panel member of the Construction Adjudication Accreditation Committee. In 2015, Er. Tan received his “20 years outstanding dedicated service award” from the Ministry of National Development.
Er. Tan was conferred the PEB Distinguished Professional Engineer Award, 2016, by the Minister of National Development, Singapore. The award was given to Er. Tan “who is recognized as a distinguished member of the profession who has attained high standards in professional competence and expertise”

Er. Wang Wei

Tan Jian Wei